Meet your New Year’s goals with low calorie drinks from Brown Bag
Disclaimer: We are not health and fitness experts. We are a liquor store.
If your goals got a little off track last you, you aren’t alone. 2020 was a dumpster fire, and just getting up every day and putting pants on was an achievement in and of itself (not that this writer can claim he did that every day). But hey, that’s what January is for – taking a deep breath, having a fresh reset and getting your life back on track, whatever that means for you. For us, that means opting for lighter drink options (some of the time!) and (maybe) trying new workout routines. If you’re looking for lighter drink options, look no further: You can substitute your weekly beverages-of-choice with these low calorie options that are just as satisfying without sacrificing any flavor.
Week 1: Cupcake LightHearted Wines: Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir & Rosé
Cupcake LightHearted Wines offers all the joys of your favorite bottle of Cupcake Wine, with just 80 calories and less than 1 gram of sugar per serving. Experience the creamy flavors of pear, apple and vanilla when you sip on Cupcake LightHearted Chardonnay; the crisp lemon and apple of Cupcake LightHearted Pinot Grigio; the notes of strawberry, plum and nutmeg of Cupcake LightHearted Pinot Noir, and the sweet hint of grapefruit and watermelon of Cupcake LightHearted Rosé. And the best part? Less sugar means easier* hangovers.
*Hopefully, at least.
Week 2: Ketel One Botanical Infusions: Peach, Grapefruit & Cucumber Mint
Now, we’re not saying Ketel One Botanical is the most refreshing vodka on our shelves… but we’re not not saying that, either. Made with real botanicals and infused with natural fruit essences, Ketel One Botanical Infusions are made with no sugar, artificial sweeteners nor artificial flavors. It’s your favorite vodka’s favorite vodka; it’s your personal trainer’s drink of choice* after a long day of doing personal training stuff. But for real – Ketel One Botanical Infusions are the real deal, with just 73 calories and 0 carbs per serving. Pick up a bottle of Peach & Orange Blossom, Grapefruit & Rosé or Cucumber & Mint today.
*This absolutely cannot be proven. We have no idea what vodka personal trainers like to drink.
Week 3: Fitvine Wines

Fitvine is made for people who want to enjoy their wine and feel good about it. It’s gluten-free and vegan, and we carry Fitvine in Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, Rosé and Sauvignon Blanc. Oh yeah, and it’s delicious. Since 2015, Fitvine has been perfecting its process of extended fermentation that allows for less than 1 gram of sugar per bottle, fewer sulfites and no flavor additives – all without lowering alcohol content. Not too shabby, if you ask us.
Week 4: Woodchuck 100 Calorie Variety Pack, with Black Cherry, Cranberry Lime, Watermelon, and Citrus

Woodchuck 100 is hard cider made with bold flavor. The variety 12-pack includes Black Cherry, Cranberry Lime, Watermelon and Citrus flavors. Each can is only 100 calories (nice!), contains 2 grams of sugar and 0 added sugar (woo!) and about 5 grams of carbs (not bad!). A can of Woodchuck 100 (or five) is a pretty sweet way to wind down the week, and it’s a fun switch-up from your ciders and other canned beverages. Who knows, it might just turn into your 2021 drink of ice.
There you have it! By adding in the occasional lower-calorie beverage to your rotation, we know you can reach your New Year’s goals. For more hand sanitizer and masks, tips and weekly specials, be sure to like Brown Bag Liquor on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. Cheers!